Say you are throwing a costume gala at the end of the summer to help raise money for underprivileged dogs in Arkansas. You have Tweeted it out, sent plenty of Facebook invitations, and have the official Pauper Dogs of Arkansas running ads all over the internet. But you do not think that there has been enough exposure, and you have not had enough guests RSVP to help these poor little pooches. Your next step is to write up a press release.
An event press release is something that an organization, whether it be a not for profit charity, a private company, or just a news group, will send out to all of the local newspapers and television news stations, informing them of the upcoming event, what it is for, and any pertinent details that should be delivered in the article or the report. There is, in fact, a proper way to write an event press release, so you should not just jot a quick email and send it out to everyone.
If you do not know the correct way, you have two options. You can find a sample press release for events online and follow the format from there, or you can hire a specific event press release writer. The latter has its benefits, because the writer will know precisely what she is doing, she will have done it plenty of times before, and she will know exactly how to word the release in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.
That being said, especially if you are a non profit, you need to save as much money as possible. That is why the online sample press release for events could be your best friend in this task. Regardless of how you get it done, make sure the news knows as soon as possible, so that this can be the best Underprivileged Doggy Gala to date.